суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I just finished grading my Theatre Appreciation studentapos;s rewrites of their first play reviews. Some of these rewrites made me happy to be a teacher. You know, like the student who went from a 14 out of 25 to getting full points. Students like that make me feel like I wasnapos;t wasting my time�leaving comments and suggestions on the papers. Other students however... That is a whole different story.

It seems like the majority of the class assumes that I�
A.)� am stupid
B.) have never been a student
C.) donapos;t expect them to follow suggestions for improvement
D.) donapos;t actually read their papers OR
E.) all of the above

Isnapos;t it going to come as a surprise to them that all of these "answers" are wrong.�First,�I am not stupid. Second, I am a student, and therefore know all the little ways students fiddle with papers to make them seem longer. Next, I wouldnapos;t bother writing a�suggestion on a paper if I didnapos;t expect them to follow it. Finally, I do read their fucking papers, even though I�would much rather throw the majority of them away as utter crap. How�dumb do these students think I am?

While going through the rewrites, I was shocked to find that many of the students didnapos;t follow my suggestions at all, or only followed it where precisely indicated. For example, if I�write "avoid first person" in a paper and circle the first couple of uses of first person, I donapos;t mean just fix those. I guess I�incorrectly assumed that they would realize they needed to check their ENTIRE�paper. Guess I was wrong in that assumption. Lazy bastards. Also, if I�write "designerapos;s name?" I want them to include the actual name. Writing "the set designer" does not satisfy this requirement. Neither does referring to the set as "the furniture," "the location," or my personal favorite "the room" make it possible to avoid naming the designer if you no longer have the program to look it up. They are in a class with 350 other students. Someone will still have the program. Or they could look it up online. Or they could ask their TA or the professor. Fucking idiots. Next, if�I�say to�"try�to write 2 full pages," I donapos;t mean increasing the spacing�or font size so it looks like you wrote more than you did. I grade these papers with a paper of my own sitting right next to me. I can, and do, compare the two. This problem was so frequent with these rewrites that I am now to the point that I�donapos;t even have to compare to tell anymore. Bloody morons. Finally, if I write "a little vague" followed immediately by "can you be more specific?" I�mean I want more details. More details does not mean adding "very" to the sentence "The set was nice." I wrote on one girlapos;s rewrite "This is still REALLY vague. Can you describe any part of the set? Can you give any details that show that you actually saw the show? Your ticket stub isnapos;t enough." Wankers.

Oh, I nearly forgot, if I didnapos;t write a suggestion or, even better, wrote "good," you probably donapos;t want to change it. Especially when your "improvements" make the paper worse. I actually had one paper that went from okay to terrible. I didnapos;t even know how to grade it. I am so not drunk enough for this.

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This has been quite the week for my writing. This makes twice that Iapos;ve written just before a big mid-term, except this time is way funnier. My breakfast option was an apple this morning and although thatapos;s good, I tend to need a little more, so I was up early and thought why not go to Lundapos;s (I try to shop there as little as possible) and get a little granola as a treat. I thought I should hurry so I went to the basement to get my bike (itapos;s an incredibly short walk too). It needed air in the tires, so I filled the rear and while I was filling the front, the hose sprung a leak and the pump is now useless. Luckily I have enough air pressure to ride and get a new pump, although this situation is unfortunate. So upon leaving the basement, which can only be accessed from outside, I realized that I had left my keys within, and of course Whitney is not home. I have not seen her in three days. It is also (I have switched tenses, but it just feels right this way) somewhere near 8:30 on a Saturday morning and I see no lights on. So Iapos;m not about to knock on someoneapos;s door to have them get out of bed and lend me a key/let me into the basement. So I get granola, and the woman gives me another bag to carry it in, and it was actually innocent, since my bag did have tiny holes in it, but I was bitchy and when she responded I said itapos;s not really a big deal. I should have been more polite. Back at home, I wait around and no one is up, so since I have no way of knowing what time it is, I should go to Smith and just wait until 10 for the exam. I arrive at 8:45. Of course I canapos;t lock my bike without my keys, so I have to bring the bike to the 4th floor and just wait. So thatapos;s what Iapos;m doing now. On the plus side, I just read a delightful email jointly written by Em and Eaouin. Actually, Iapos;m not annoyed at all (except that I have to buy a new air pump) and hopefully I will kick the mid-term in the baginas. Probably the other way around, though.

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What if I found out Iapos;m like, three years older than I actually am, or half-Russian rather than half-Korean? You know, something you thought was true but isnapos;t, and it shatters your freakinapos; world.

I think the best one is either finding out life is actually better after death and that what weapos;re doing now is considered being dead, or, that we donapos;t actually live on Earth but on a different planet altogether/that weapos;re aliens. Whoa yeah. That ought to kill this insufferable Fall Break boredom. I have no life, you know, so Iapos;m so fucking stupid bored.

Iapos;ve been listening to too much Mary Magdalen. All her songs are about addiction and are filled with rage and despair and insanity. The serious kind of insanity. The more a song creeps me out the more I like it. But I should really take a break from it, yeah.

You know, something thatapos;s been staring me in the face for a while that would kill my boredom but I havenapos;t done it for whatever reason, is install and play Portal. Incredible game, apparently, and itapos;s just sitting there collecting dust.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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The Five of Pentacles card suggests that your perceived deficiencies, anxieties or cravings may only exist in comparison to the group that you feel is excluding you. Remember that you have options. You are a survivor, able to deal with the flaws of your partner and the cold shoulder from those who see your values as unusual or suspect. Either may be putting a strain on your love life. You can find strength in adversity, so donapos;t be too quick to curse your lot. Be willing to face the unknown hardships for the sake of future improvements, growth and acceptance. Soon you will be in a place where you can express yourself fully. For better or worse, you may still have each other as well as your faith that some good can come of this.
I didnapos;t get enough sleep like I should have but oh well.
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This is just to say that I cooked with Chipotle peppers for the time. Nothing special, just a black bean soup. My most common production, this is sadly my signature dish for the time being. How will it taste with chipotle instead of jalapeno?

I know this isnapos;t that special, but cooking with chipotle for the first time feels like buying oneapos;s first Roxy Music CD on a whim. You probably have no idea whatapos;s going to happen, you probably wonapos;t appreciate it for a while, but you know youapos;ve gone up a level.

There are easier ingredients to fine, there are reasonable substitutes, but youapos;ve demonstrated that this is an interest and not just a method.
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